
4th of July Safety Tips

4th of July Safety Tips

The 4th of July is the holiday that brings out our fireworks, flags, and families to celebrate the birthday of our great nation. July 4th celebrations should be fun, but they can easily turn dangerous if you aren’t informed. Here are some tips you need to consider in order to keep yourself safe in Tampa […]

What Happens if You Don't File Taxes in Florida

What Happens if You Don’t File Taxes in Florida?

It’s that time of year again — tax season. When it comes to filing your taxes, do you wait until the last day? File an extension? Although some people say they work best under pressure, forgetting to file your taxes can result in costly consequences that extend well beyond your bank account. Read on to […]

Is Jaywalking Illegal in Florida

Is Jaywalking Illegal in Florida?

Jaywalking traffic accidents are a serious, fatal problem in the United States – especially in Tampa Bay. Pedestrian involved car accidents kill sixteen times more people than natural disasters do. A shocking study “Dangerous by Design” from the National Complete Streets Coalition found that Florida is the most fatal state for pedestrians. Researchers studied 47,025 […]

Guide to Florida Driver Point System

The Complete Guide to Florida’s Driver Point System

Getting a traffic ticket is never a good situation. Not only are traffic tickets expensive, but they result in points on your license, which can in return, raise your insurance and even cause you to lose your license entirely. But which violations incur the most points? And how many points can you tack onto your […]

5 Tips for Avoiding a DUI This New Year's Eve

How to Avoid a DUI This New Year’s Eve

Getting pulled over for a DUI is one of the scarier things that can happen to someone. The immediate threat of a charge for driving under the influence can cause people to act nervously and in ways they normally wouldn’t, even if they have not had much to drink. While the best way to avoid […]

How Do Ankle Monitors Work

How Do House Arrest Ankle Bracelets Work

It’s no mystery that overcrowding and inmate warehousing are major concerns. That’s why in many jurisdictions throughout the United States, individuals who have been charged with minor crimes are often sentenced to house arrest in lieu of keeping them in custody. For those who are placed under house arrest, many are required to wear an […]

Motorcycle Safety Tips

Motorcycle Safety Tips

Whether you ride for efficiency or fun, riding a motorcycle comes with many risks. In fact, a motorcyclist is 30 times more likely to die in a crash than individuals in a car. Luckily, motorcyclists can enjoy a lifetime of enjoyment without injury by being prepared and avoiding risks. Read on to learn the top […]


How to Hire a Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Whether you or a loved one received a misdiagnosis or an erroneous surgery, the harm resulting from a healthcare professional’s negligence may mean you have grounds for a medical malpractice case. But, in order to garner the best possible outcome for your case, you need an experienced, reputable medical malpractice lawyer on your side. Learn […]

Do I Qualify for DUI Accident Compensation

Do DUI Accident Victims Qualify for Florida Crime Victim Compensation?

Alcohol-impaired drivers are responsible for 31 percent of all traffic-related deaths along with thousands of injuries every year. Recovering from injuries following a drunk driving incident is undoubtedly an incredibly difficult and emotional time as it is, so you should not have to worry about medical bills and lost wages too. If you or a […]

Difference Between Mediation and Arbitration

The Difference Between Mediation and Arbitration

Whenever two parties are in a legal dispute, they can choose to settle the dispute in one of two ways: mediation or arbitration. While the goal of both of these legal tools is to reach a resolution or settlement that will satisfy both parties, they also have several major differences. Read on to learn the […]