When most people think about car accidents, what tends to come to mind are the typical incidents where one motor vehicle collides with another. It could be a rear-end collision, T-boning at an intersection, or driving into someone else’s property. And, while those types of accidents due occur often — especially in Florida — there are also instances of drivers hitting a deer or alligator while driving before sunrise, or swerving to avoid running over a raccoon — and ending up crashing the car in the process. What can you do if you get into one of these situations? Does car insurance cover accidents caused by animals?
Does insurance cover car accidents caused by animals?
As with most legal questions, the answer is, it depends on the circumstances. It will all come down to the type of car insurance you have. Some types of coverage will take care of medical expenses and lost wages, while others will cover car repairs. Also, keep in mind that you may still have to pay some expenses out-of-pocket to cover the deductible.
Personal Injury Protection
Florida Statutes section 627.736 requires every car insurance policy in the state to provide Personal Injury Protection (PIP). This coverage is specifically designed to pay up to 80% of your medical bills, and 60% of lost wages, regardless of whether you were at fault for the accident — meaning that whether you were speeding, driving without headlights, or distracted has no bearing on whether they would pay for these damages.
PIP covers you, anyone driving your car, anyone within your household, or passengers who were injured during the collision. Now, the problem arises when your medical bills and lost wages (if any) exceed $10,000, or if your damages are to your car.
Comprehensive Car Insurance
Whenever you purchase or renew a car insurance policy, you’re given the option of obtaining collision or comprehensive car insurance. Collision insurance protects you and the other driver in the event of an accident involving another motor vehicle. On the other hand, comprehensive coverage covers losses due to other types of scenarios — such as your car being damaged by a flood, projectiles hitting the windshield during a natural disaster, vandalism, theft, or crashing into an animal.
A common problem Florida drivers face when reviewing their insurance coverage is that they realize they have the bare minimum — it’s what’s required by law, and it’s the lowest cost. Yet, adding optional elements (such as comprehensive coverage and uninsured/underinsured coverage) can save you thousands of dollars in the event of an accident caused by an animal or a driver with no insurance. In addition, liability insurance only covers damage done to the other driver if you caused the accident. Comprehensive coverage will take care of damage to your own car — which is even more crucial if the accident was a total loss and you’re still making payments on your car loan.
Call Us at Clark Hartpence Law for a Consultation
There are many factors that affect the outcome of a case. If you or someone you love was involved in a car accident, call us at (855) 680-4911 or schedule a free consultation. We’ll consider all circumstances to determine your best next step. We can also ensure that you receive proper compensation for any present as well as future medical expenses relating to your neck injuries.
Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and does not create an attorney/client relationship.