DUI With Serious Bodily Injury in Florida

DUI With Serious Bodily Injury in Florida

Getting into a car accident is always an unpleasant experience. However, there’s a wide range between a minor fender bender and a catastrophic crash that results in serious bodily injuries. Add in a person who was driving under the influence, and now you’re dealing with criminal activity. But, what exactly, is considered to be too […]

What Are Your Miranda Rights?

What Are Your Miranda Rights?

If you’ve watched enough TV, you have likely seen at some point a scene where a person is getting arrested. When it happens, you hear one of the arresting officers tell the person they’re handcuffing that they have the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, and everything they say can be used […]

DWI vs DUI: Difference Between DUI and DWI

DWI vs DUI: The Difference Between DUIs and DWIs

When it comes to driving under the influence, most people have a general knowledge of what it entails. It is well known that it involves getting behind the wheel after consuming too many alcoholic beverages. Not only is it a dangerous activity that could lead to severely injuring or killing someone, but, even if you […]

Florida Ban On Texting While Driving Law

Florida Texting While Driving Law

People love to blame millennials for everything. However, the reality is that if you’re anywhere between the ages of 16 and 65, you probably have one (or several) social media accounts, as well as use your phone to check emails and send text messages. The use of mobile devices to communicate is so pervasive, that […]

How Do Ankle Monitors Work

How Do House Arrest Ankle Bracelets Work

It’s no mystery that overcrowding and inmate warehousing are major concerns. That’s why in many jurisdictions throughout the United States, individuals who have been charged with minor crimes are often sentenced to house arrest in lieu of keeping them in custody. For those who are placed under house arrest, many are required to wear an […]

Difference Between Mediation and Arbitration

The Difference Between Mediation and Arbitration

Whenever two parties are in a legal dispute, they can choose to settle the dispute in one of two ways: mediation or arbitration. While the goal of both of these legal tools is to reach a resolution or settlement that will satisfy both parties, they also have several major differences. Read on to learn the […]

Florida three strikes law

Florida Three Strikes Law

Florida is one of 24 states that institute certain “tough on crime” measures aimed at curtailing crime. To do this, one of the steps the state has taken pertains to habitual violent offenders. The Florida three strikes law is a statute that gives judges broad leeway in sentencing people who find themselves in the criminal […]

Buy Prescription Drugs Online Legally

Your Legal Rights to Buying Prescription Drugs Online

Legal rights to buying prescription drugs online is a topic often discussed to help strategize cutting costs of expensive, but necessary, medications. But while many would like to cut costs, it’s important this is not at the risk of violating any laws. Read on to learn the laws regarding purchasing prescription drugs online. Only Buy Drugs […]

Is Daily Fantasy Football Legal

Is Daily Fantasy Football Legal?

Daily fantasy sports have made headlines due to controversies over legality. Some opponents claim there is little difference between activities like daily fantasy football and casino gambling. Others say the laws that forbid online gambling don’t pertain to this kind of gaming due to the skill it requires. The fact that this is a legal […]