Electronic Cigarette Injury Lawyer

Electronic Cigarette Injury Lawyer Tampa Bay

Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, are thriving as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices that turn nicotine-based liquid (aka e-juice) into a vapor, which is then inhaled by the user. Advocates of e-cigarettes claim that e-cigs are significantly healthier than regular cigarette smoking and aid in the quitting process. However, opponents of e-cigarettes claim that since we are unaware of the side effects of e-cigarettes and their potential risks, we should be extremely cautious. That warning may be too late, considering the e-cigarette industry is booming at an increasingly high rate. However, e-cigarettes can cause serious, even life-threatening injuries.

What does e-juice consist of?

Proponents of e-cigarettes claim that there are fewer toxic chemicals in e-cigarettes than in traditional cigarettes. But, what chemicals are actually in e-juice? Currently, e-juice is an unregulated mixture of chemicals and flavors. In 2009, the FDA announced that they had conducted a laboratory analysis of 18 various samples of e-juice from two of the leading e-cigarette brands. The FDA found:

  • One of the samples contained diethylene glycol, which is an active ingredient in antifreeze and is toxic to humans.
  • Tobacco-specific nitrosamines, which are human carcinogens, were detected in half of the samples.
  • In the majority of samples tested, tobacco-specific impurities suspected of being harmful to humans—anabasine, myosmine, and ß-nicotyrine—were detected.
  • All the samples, except for one, that were labeled as containing no nicotine had low levels of nicotine present.
  • Three different electronic cigarette cartridges with the same label were tested and each cartridge emitted a markedly different amount of nicotine with each puff. The nicotine levels per puff ranged from 26.8 to 43.2 mcg nicotine/100 mL puff.
  • One high-nicotine cartridge delivered twice as much nicotine to users when the vapor from that electronic cigarette brand was inhaled than was delivered by a sample of the nicotine inhalation product (used as a control) approved by the FDA for use as a smoking cessation aid.

E-cigarettes are a relatively new invention, and as such, the long-term effects are unknown. The CDC has recently conducted a study and showed that the number of calls to poison centers involving e-cigarettes rose from one phone call per month in September 2010 to 215 per month in February 2014. The most common adverse health effects mentioned in the phone calls were vomiting, nausea, and eye irritation.

Additionally, the FDA has been compiling a list of adverse event reports, which are undesirable side effects or health issues that individuals have reported because they believe the e-cigarettes are responsible. The most severe adverse event reports have stated that e-cigarettes have caused hospitalization for pneumonia, congestive heart failure, and seizures.

E-Cigarettes in the News

In April 2014, the FDA proposed rules to start regulating e-cigarettes. At present, the FDA is not involved in regulating e-cigarettes. The FDA has proposed limits on the sales of e-cigarettes, mainly to stop minors under the age of 18 from purchasing the product. Additionally, the FDA has proposed rules that the e-cigarette companies must disclose the ingredients used in the e-cigarettes and that the companies must put warning labels on the packages as well.

E-cigarettes have recently been causing a stir in the media, and not due to the dangerous chemicals they contain. E-cigarettes have started exploding and severely injuring those nearby. The explosions are allegedly due to overcharging and overheating of the batteries. There have been dozens of instances where e-cigarettes have exploded and caused massive damage, including:

  • A 57-year-old man in Florida was using his e-cigarette when it exploded in his mouth, knocking out all of his teeth and removing part of his tongue.
  • A husband and wife were driving in their vehicle and charging their e-cigarette battery. It exploded and caused second-degree burns on the woman.
  • A mother was driving in her vehicle, charging her e-cigarette battery. It exploded and sent a hot copper coil into her 3-year old’s car seat, lighting it on fire. The young boy suffered first and second-degree burns.

Have you been injured by an electronic cigarette?

Exposure to the toxic chemicals in e-cigarettes can result in lifelong health complications or even death. Whether you or a loved one has suffered serious injury from inhaling or ingesting “e-juice” or have been injured due to a faulty e-cigarette battery pack, you may be entitled to financial compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. If you’ve been injured due to e-cigarettes in Florida, please contact the e-cigarette injury attorneys at Clark Hartpence Law today for a free consultation. For help with your Florida e-cigarette injury, call Clark Hartpence Law at (855) 680-4911.

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